Page:Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar.djvu/47

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from the Land of the Tzar.


In a certain kingdom there lived an old woman who was almost penniless. She had an only son, whom she wished to apprentice where he would not be required to work, but only eat, sleep, and wear fine clothes. But, unfortunately, such places were scarce, and whenever she told her wishes to others they only laughed at her, saying,—

"You will have to go right round the world first, and then you won't get what you want! No one would be such a fool!"

The old woman was highly indignant, and said she was not going to be done; so after selling all she had, which, needless to say, was very little, she turned to her son and told him to get ready, and they would start off to seek their fortunes.

They travelled from one town to another, but nobody seemed inclined to take the son into such apprenticeship as she wanted, especially without money.

They went through the whole kingdom without any success. At last the old woman, finding that her search was fruitless, decided to turn homewards once more, not in the highest spirits, when suddenly they came upon a man, who, seeing that the old woman looked very sad, asked her the reason.