Page:Tales by Musæus, Tieck, Richter, Volume 1.djvu/194

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Brave Burgundy no longer
Could fight for fatherland;
The foe they were the stronger,
Upon the bloody sand.

He said: “The foe prevaileth,
My friends and followers fly,
My striving naught availeth,
My spirits sink and die.

No more can I exert me,
Or sword and lance can wield;
O, why did he desert me,
Eckart, our trusty shield!

In fight he used to guide me,
In danger was my stay;
Alas, he’s not beside me,
But stays at home today!

The crowds are gathering faster,
Took captive shall I be?
I may not run like dastard,
I’ll die like soldier free.”

Thus Burgundy so bitter,
Has at his breast his sword;
When, see, breaks-in the Ritter
Eckart, to save his lord!

With cap and armour glancing,
Bold on the foe he rides,
His troop behind him prancing,
And his two sons besides.