Page:Tales from Chaucer.djvu/156

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Arcite gave glory and honour to Mars, and returned home as glad as a bird is of the bright sun.

This day was passed in Athens in great feasting, jousting, and dancing: but as the revellers were to rise early on the morrow to behold the fight, they were early at rest. And by day-spring in the morning, the noise of horses and harness was heard in every quarter; and lords upon their palfreys were thronging to the palace.

There might be seen the arranging of armour, uncommon and rich, wrought with steel and goldsmithry; bright shields, headpieces, trappings, golden helmets, hauberks, and coat-armoury; lords in gay furniture on their coursers; knights and squires in retinue: the fixing of spear-heads, and buckling of helmets, polishing of shields, and lacing of thongs: foaming steeds, gnawing their golden bits. The armourers, too, riding hither and thither with files and hammers 'to accomplish the knights;' yeomen on foot, and commoners in throngs with short staves: pipes, trumpets, and clarions, that blow the bloody sounds of