Page:Tales from Chaucer.djvu/170

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Rome, and remained there as long as suited their pleasure and convenience. During their stay they heard of little but the great renown of the Emperor's daughter, the Lady Constance. The common talk of every one was; 'Our Emperor—God preserve him—has a daughter, such as, for goodness and beauty, the world never saw surpassed. She possesses beauty without pride; youth without folly or inexperience:—in all her actions, virtue is her guide. In her, humility has overcome tyranny: she is the mirror of gentleness and courtesy: her heart is the very shrine of holiness; and her hand the minister of freedom in almsgiving.'

After these merchants had freighted their ships, and obtained a sight of this gifted maiden, they made their way back to their native country.

It happened that these merchants were in high favour with the Sultan of Syria; who, when they returned from foreign and strange places, would courteously entertain them, and eagerly gain from them intelligence respecting the various kingdoms they had traversed,