Page:Tales from Chaucer.djvu/191

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Her little child lay weeping on her arm:—'Peace, peace, little son,' said she, 'I will not harm you: 'with that she took her kerchief from her head and laid it over its little eyes, lulling the babe in her arm against her bosom; and, casting her eyes up to heaven, 'O, Mother!' she continued, 'blessed Virgin Mary! true it is that through a woman's tempting, mankind was lost, and doomed to perdition, for which error the flesh of thy Son was torn upon the cross: thy blessed eyes witnessed his torment; then is there no comparison between thine and any woe man may sustain. Thou sawest thy child slain before thine eyes—my little child yet liveth. O, blessed Virgin! to whom in their griefs all woful creatures turn; glory of womanhood! haven of refuge! bright star of day! look down with ruth upon my babe; thou who in thy gentleness lookest with pity on the miserable.

'O, little child! what, alas! has been thy guilt, that, as yet, can have wrought no sin? Why will thy cruel father shed thy life?'—and then she said, 'in mercy, dear constable, let my child dwell here with you:—yet, if you