Page:Tales from Chaucer.djvu/196

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a more virtuous woman, maiden, widow, or wife, and I dare well say that she would go to death rather than commit a wicked deed.'

Now this child was as like to Constance as it was possible for one creature to resemble another. Alla remembered the face of Constance, and mused whether it might happen that the mother of the child was his own wife. With that thought he inwardly sighed, and hurried away from table. 'It must,' thought he, 'be the phantom of my brain; for my sober judgment would say my wife lies dead at sea; and yet, why may not the good God have guided Constance hither, as safely as he led her to my own country?'

After the feast, Alla went home with the senator to see the end of all this wonder; who sent hastily for Constance to come into the presence of the King: but when she knew the cause of the message, she could scarcely stand upon her feet. When Alla saw his wife, he embraced her eagerly and tenderly, weeping over her sweet and bitter tears: for at the first look he fixed upon her, he knew it was she;