Page:Tales from Chaucer.djvu/198

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Emperor had accepted the invitation, he looked steadily upon the face of Maurice, and thought upon his daughter.

The morrow came, and Alla with his wife prepared to meet the Emperor, riding out in gladness of heart to receive him; and when he drew near, she alighted, and throwing herself at his feet, said, 'Father,—Constance, your young and only child, is gone out of your remembrance. I am your daughter, your Constance, whom long ago you sent into Syria. I am she who was put alone upon the sea; who was condemned to death. Dear father! in mercy send me no more among the heathen; but receive and thank this Lord and King, my Lord, for all his kindness to me.' Who can describe the joy of those three, who had so strangely and happily met? And now to make a conclusion to my tale, this child, Maurice, was afterwards anointed Emperor by the Pope, and did high honour to the Christian church:—but my story is especially of Constance.

King Alla after due time returned to England with his sweet and holy wife, where they lived together in peace and happiness, although,