Page:Tales from Chaucer.djvu/202

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Queen, for her to order his penance:—who, turning to the ravisher, said, 'Such is your condition at this time, that you are in no surety of preserving your life: yet this will I grant, upon condition that you resolve me this question, 'What is that which women most desire?' Beware! and think of your penalty. I allow you to depart for one twelvemonth and a day, to prepare your answer; and before you quit this presence you shall produce full security that at the given day you will yield yourself up to our decision upon your reply.'

The Knight was sorely perplexed with the condition of his sentence; so after much consideration, he resolved to leave the Court, and travel till the year's end; hoping that in the course of his adventures he might receive the help he required. From town to town, and house to house he went, wherever he thought to learn 'what women most desire:' but with all his pains he could not find two people of one mind in the matter. Some said, women love wealth better than anything else; some said honour; others, mirth; others again, splendour of dress; and some even thought their