Page:Tales from Chaucer.djvu/241

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and with all the pomp due to their estate, both the children that had been placed under his protection; but on no account to disclose any other circumstance respecting them, than that the maiden was destined to become the new bride of the Marquis di Saluzzo.[1] The Count strictly fulfilled his brother's commission, and, upon a day appointed, set forth towards Saluzzo with his young charge and her brother, at that time only seven years of age; the former gorgeously arrayed, and attended by a numerous and honourable retinue.

Notwithstanding all this wicked usage, the Marquis determined still farther to prove utterly the courage and forbearance of his wife. I need not ask the women whether she had not given him sufficient proof of a virtuous love and steady devotion; but you will bear in mind that in the opening of my story I told you, when describing the faults in his character, 'that he was too prone to gratify the desires of the present moment, without regard to the

  1. The young reader is doubtless aware that in Italy females are disposed in marriage at an age when in this country they would scarcely have quitted the nursery.