Page:Tales from Chaucer.djvu/249

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arrived before the palace gate, the populace crowding round to see the cavalcade, and the rich quality of all the furniture; the greater part of them talking among themselves in praise of the Marquis's wisdom in changing his wife; 'for not only,' said they, 'is this new one younger and more beautiful than Griselda, but she is of gentle birth, and her offspring will be more agreeable to us.' Then the handsome face of her little brother delighted them;—and, to crown all, they, who shortly before traduced him as a murderer, were now unanimous in applauding his government. Thus has it ever been with you, misjudging multitude! unstable as the veering vane! indiscreet, unfaithful!— ever seeking something new. Your applause is purchased dearly enough at the price of a mite: your judgment is false and hollow; and your constancy a rope of sand. Fool, indeed, is he who places confidence in you. So it was with the poor gazing creatures of Saluzzo; the novelty of having another Marchioness—no matter the price of injustice at which she was purchased—changed at once their