Page:Tales from old Japanese dramas (1915).djvu/338

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whom you desire to meet. In my youth I was your grandfather's retainer and by him I was treated with great favour. But, if the truth must be told, I formed a liaison with one of his maids-of honour and both of us were to be put to death by our lord's own hand. Yuminosuké, however, interceded for us in the kindness of his heart and we were dismissed from the household without further punishment. During our long wanderings my wife gave birth to a girl. When the child was only two years old the mother was carried off by illness, and as I could not bring up the child single-handed, I gave her to my aunt to care for. I am happy to learn that she grew to be a woman and entered into the service of Yuminosuké, my benefactor, and that even after death her loyalty endured so that in a dream she showed Sekisuké where he might find you. What an admirable woman she was! But I, too, Miyuki, have something which I can present to you!"

Even as he spoke, he drew his dagger and plunged it into his side.

"Why do you thus devote yourself to death?" cried Sekisuké in amazement.

Tokuyémon's answer came, broken by groans