Page:Tales from old Japanese dramas (1915).djvu/363

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"Shinzayémon," said one of them, "a certain nobleman has determined to make your daughter his wife, no matter what happens."

"A nobleman wants my daughter?" asked Shinzayémon feigning surprise. "Who can it be, sir?"

"It is none other than myself, Kōzuké," said the arrogant and blustering villain. "I am honourable adviser to Lord Hōjō, and was formerly a retainer of His Highness the Regent Taikō."

He paused, and then added dictatorially:

"When you and I are relations in law, I need hardly remind you that you must instruct me in the secrets of fencing, according to my request of the other day, Shinzayémon."

Shinzayémon was an honourable samurai, and was not the kind of man to submit to such an insolent demand.

"So it is, Kōzuké, is it?" said he disdainfully, "I thank you for your kind proposal, sir, but must respectfully decline it."

"Do you think that I should be an unsatisfactoiy son-in-law?" exclaimed Kōzuké with excitement. "Let me tell you that I took part in scores of battles, as a retainer of His Highness the Regent Taikō, and was not beaten once."