Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 1.djvu/57

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Zubeideh, and he laughing. “O accursed one,” said the Khalif, “is this a time for laughter? Tell us which is dead of them.” “By Allah, O my lord,” answered Mesrour, “Aboulhusn is well and none is dead but Nuzhet el Fuad.” Quoth the Khalif to Zubeideh, “Thou hast lost thy pavilion in thy play,” and he laughed at her and said to Mesrour, “O Mesrour, tell her what thou sawest.” “Verily, O my lady,” said the eunuch, “I ran without ceasing till I came in to Aboulhusn in his house and found Nuzhet el Fuad lying dead and Aboulhusn sitting at her head, weeping. I saluted him and condoled with him and sat down by his side and uncovered the face of Nuzhet el Fuad and saw her dead and her face swollen. So I said to him, ‘Carry her out forthright [to burial], so we may pray over her.’ He answered, ‘It is well;’ and I left him to lay her out and came hither, that I might tell you the news.”

The Khalif laughed and said, “Tell it again and again to thy lady lack-wit.” When the Lady Zubeideh heard Mesrour’s words [and those of the Khalif,] she was wroth and said, “None lacketh wit but he who believeth a black slave.” And she reviled Mesrour, whilst the Khalif laughed. Mesrour was vexed at this and said to the Khalif, “He spoke sooth who said, ‘Women lack wit and religion.’” Then said the Lady Zubeideh to the Khalif, “O Commander of the Faithful, thou sportest and jestest with me, and this slave hoodwinketh me, to please thee; but I will send and see which is dead of them.” And he answered, saying, “Send one who shall see which is dead of them.” So the Lady Zubeideh cried out to an old woman, a stewardess, and said to her, “Go to the