Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 2.djvu/114

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and that the governance should not go forth from them; after which she told them that she was minded to marry her daughter with the new-comer, her father’s brother’s son, and that he should be the holder of the kingship. They approved of her proposal and when she had discovered the secret to the last of them [and assured herself of their support], she published the news abroad and sent for the cadis and assessors, who drew up the contract of marriage between Selim and the princess, and they lavished gifts upon the troops and overwhelmed them with bounties. Then was the bride carried in procession to the young man and the kingship was stablished unto him and the governance of the realm.

On this wise they abode a whole year, at the end of which time Selim said to the queen-mother, ‘Know that my life is not pleasing to me nor can I abide with you in contentment till I get me tidings of my sister and learn in what issue her affair hath resulted and how she hath fared after me. Wherefore I will go and be absent from you a year’s space; then will I return to you, so it please God the Most High and I accomplish of this that which I hope.’ Quoth she, ‘I will not trust to thy word, but will go with thee and help thee to that which thou desirest of this and further thee myself therein.’ So she took a ship and loaded it with all manner things of price, goods and treasures and what not else. Moreover, she appointed one of the viziers, a man in whom she trusted and in his fashion and ordinance, to rule the realm in their absence, saying to him, ‘Abide [in the kingship] a full-told year and ordain all that whereof thou hast need.’