Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 2.djvu/150

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a show of abjection and feign thyself defeated, and after stand at the door and look as if thou soughtest a place wherein to make water, for that there is a dark corner there. Then come forward, with a heart stouter than granite, and lay hold upon a jar of the jars and raise it from its place. Thou wilt find under it the skirt of a veil; bring it out publicly and call the prefect in a loud voice, before those who are present. Then open it and thou wilt find it full of blood, exceeding of redness,[1] and in it [thou wilt find also] a woman’s shoes and a pair of trousers and somewhat of linen.” When I heard this from her, I rose to go out and she said to me, “Take these hundred dinars, so they may advantage thee; and this is my guest-gift to thee.” So I took them and bidding her farewell, returned to my lodging.

Next morning, up came the Cadi, with his face like the ox-eye,[2] and said, “In the name of God, where is my debtor and where is my money?” Then he wept and cried out and said to the prefect, “Where is that ill-omened fellow, who aboundeth in thievery and villainy?” Therewith the prefect turned to me and said, “Why dost thou not answer the Cadi?” And I replied, “O Amir, the two heads[3] are not equal, and I, I have no helper but God; but, if the right be on my side, it will appear.” At this the Cadi cried out and said, “Out on thee, O ill-omened fellow! How wilt thou make

  1. And therefore freshly shed.
  2. For redness.
  3. Or parties.