Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 2.djvu/158

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housekeeper, “Hast thou an empty chamber?” “Yes,” answered she; and my mistress said, “Give us the key.” So we took the key and going up to see the room, entered it; after which she went out to the housekeeper and [giving her a dirhem], said to her, “Take the key-money,[1] for the room pleaseth us, and here is another dirhem for thy trouble. Go, fetch us a pitcher of water, so we may [refresh ourselves] and rest till the time of the noonday siesta pass and the heat decline, when the man will go and fetch the [household] stuff.” Therewith the housekeeper rejoiced and brought us a mat and two pitchers of water on a tray and a leather rug.

We abode thus till the setting-in of the time of mid-afternoon, when she said, “Needs must I wash before I go.” Quoth I, “Get water wherewithal we may wash,” and pulled out from my pocket about a score of dirhems, thinking to give them to her; but she said, “I seek refuge with God!” and brought out of her pocket a handful of silver, saying, “But for destiny and that God hath caused the love of thee fall into my heart, there had not happened that which hath happened.” Quoth I, “Take this in requital of that which thou hast spent;” and she said, “O my lord, by and by, whenas companionship is prolonged between us, thou wilt see if the like of me looketh unto money and gain or no.” Then she took a pitcher of water and going into the lavatory,

  1. Lit. “the douceur of the key,” i.e. the gratuity which it is customary to give to the porter or portress on hiring a house or lodging. Cf. the French denier à Dieu, Old English “God’s penny.”