Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 2.djvu/181

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[And he would have me go with him;] but I said, ‘I will not foregather with any one.’ However, he prevailed upon me [to accompany him]; so we repaired to the place and found there a man, who came to meet us and said, ‘[Enter,] in the name of God!’ Then he pulled out a key and opened the door, whereupon we entered and he locked the door after us. Quoth I, ‘We are the first of the folk; but where are their voices?’[1] ‘[They are] within the house,’ answered he. ‘This is but a privy door; so be not amazed at the absence of the folk.’ And my friend said to me, ‘Behold, we are two, and what can they avail to do with us?’ [Then he brought us into the house,] and when we entered the saloon, we found it exceeding desolate and repulsive of aspect. Quoth my friend, ‘We are fallen [into a trap]; but there is no power and no virtue save in God the Most High, the Supreme!’ And I said, ‘May God not requite thee for me with good!’

Then we sat down on the edge of the estrade and presently I espied a closet beside me; so I looked into it and my friend said to me, ‘What seest thou?’ Quoth I, ‘I see therein good galore and bodies of murdered folk. Look.’ So he looked and said, ‘By Allah, we are lost men!’ And we fell a-weeping, I and he. As we were thus, behold, there came in upon us, by the door at which we had entered, four naked men, with girdles of leather about their middles, and made for my friend. He ran at them and dealing one of them a

  1. i.e. the singers?