Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 2.djvu/281

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My flower a marvel on your heads doth show, Yet homeless[1] am I in your land, I trow.
Make drink your usance in my company And flout the time that languishing doth go.
Camphor itself to me doth testify And in my presence owns me white as snow.
So make me in your morning a delight And set me in your houses, high and low;
So shall we quaff the cups in ease and cheer, In endless joyance, quit of care and woe.

At this Queen Es Shuhba was stirred to exceeding delight and said, ‘Well done, O queen of delight! By Allah, I know not how I shall do to render thee thy due! May God the Most High grant us to enjoy thy long continuance [on life]!’ Then she strained her to her breast and kissed her on the cheek; whereupon quoth Iblis (on whom be malison!), ‘Indeed, this is an exceeding honour!’ Quoth the queen, ‘Know that this lady Tuhfeh is my sister and that her commandment is my commandment and her forbiddance my forbiddance. So hearken all to her word and obey her commandment.’ Therewithal the kings rose all and kissed the earth before Tuhfeh, who rejoiced in this. Moreover, Queen Es Shuhba put off on her a suit adorned with pearls and jewels and jacinths, worth an hundred thousand dinars, and wrote her on a sheet of paper a patent in her own hand, appointing her her deputy. So Tuhfeh rose and kissed the earth before the queen, who said to her, ‘Sing to us, of thy favour,

  1. i.e. not indigenous?