Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 2.djvu/294

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an exile from folk and country. So, for the love of God the Most High, repeat that song!’ So Kemeriyeh repeated it and Tuhfeh swooned away. When she came to herself, she said to Jemreh, ‘By the virtue of the Apostle of God (whom may He bless and preserve!) except thou suffer me go down to them and look on them and sit with them awhile, [I swear] I will cast myself down from this palace, for that I am weary of my life and know that I am slain without recourse; wherefore I will slay myself, ere thou pass sentence upon me.’ And she was instant with her in asking.

When Jemreh heard her words, she knew that, if she let her not down, she would assuredly destroy herself. So she said to her, ‘O Tuhfeh, between thee and them are a thousand fathoms; but I will bring them up to thee.’ ‘Nay,’ answered Tuhfeh, ‘needs must I go down to them and take my pleasance in the island and look upon the sea anear; then will we return, thou and I; for that, if thou bring them up to us, they will be affrighted and there will betide them neither easance nor gladness. As for me, I do but wish to be with them, that they may cheer me with their company neither give over their merrymaking, so haply I may make merry with them, and indeed I swear that needs must I go down to them; else will I cast myself upon them.’ And she cajoled Jemreh and kissed her hands, till she said, ‘Arise and I will set thee down beside them.’

Then she took Tuhfeh under her armpit and flying up, swiftlier than the blinding lightning, set her down with Kemeriyeh and her company; whereupon she went