Page:Tales from the Fjeld.djvu/304

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Tales from the Fjeld

earth; but I just buried him yonder, south of the house, and raked over him boughs and leaves."

"See now," said the old hunks, "if he hasn't cheated me after all, and slipped through my ringers. But though I have not been avenged on him living, I will do him a dishonour in his grave."

As he said this he strode away south to the grave, and stooped down to spit into it; but at that very moment the lad stuck the knife into him up to the handle, and bawled out—

"This is the lad who sold the pig! this is the lad who sold the pig!"

Away flew the man with the knife sticking in him, and he was so scared and afraid, that nothing has ever been heard or seen of him since.