Page:Tales from the Fjeld.djvu/390

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Tales from the Fjeld

But just as he was running as hard as he could to reach home before he forgot it, he tripped over a tuft of grass, and forgot the name again. So when he got on his feet again he began to search all round the hillock, but all he could find was a spade. So he seized it and began to dig and search as hard as he could, and as he was hard at it up came an old man.

"What are you digging for?" said the man. "Have you lost anything here?"

"Oh, yes! oh, yes! I have lost my sweetheart's name, and I can't find it again."

"I think her name is Solvy," said the man.

"Oh, yes, that's it," said Matt, and away he ran with the spade in his hand, bawling out—

"Solvy, Solvy,
Is my darling!"

But when he had gone a little way he called to mind that he had taken the spade, and so he threw it behind him, right on to the man's leg. Then the man began to roar and bemoan himself as though he had a knife stuck in him; and then Matt forgot the name again, and ran home as fast as he could; and when he got there, the first thing his mother asked was—

"What's your sweetheart's name?"

But Matt was just as wise as when he set out, for he did not know the name any better the last than the first time.

"You are the same big fool, that you are," said the goody. "You won't do any better this time either. But now I'll just set off myself and fetch the girl home and get you married. Meanwhile you must fetch