Page:Tales of John Oliver Hobbes.djvu/116

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Some Emotions and a Moral.

"Of course not—as if he would! You know he didn't. No, he said she hated the world and wanted better things, which he couldn't catalogue, and was extremely amiable and developed; and she has charm, and he has the highest possible regard for her. Isn't that quite enough to show that she must be horrid? He will be certain to find her out sooner or later, that's one comfort. I don't believe in these women who revere their husbands, and these husbands who regard their wives—that is to say if their reverence and regard are worth having. If a man and a woman are constantly together, they must either dislike each other frankly or like each other frankly, without any beating about the bush with respect and the rest of it: that's common sense, and if they don't, one's deceitful and the other———"

"Is a fool?" said Lady Theodosia.

"No—an angel."

"Are more men than women angels?"

"All the angels we know anything about are men," said Cynthia. "Godfrey is coming to see me the day after to-morrow," she added, presently.

"There will be trouble," said Lady Theodosia, shaking her head. " Be advised by me—don't see him again. This is infatuation—the most dangerous disease in the world."

"Disease!" said Cynthia. "Infatuation may be disease—love is life."

"Lady Theodosia turned even pale." I never heard anything like it," she said. "Who would have guessed you had it in you? Can't you see that you're talking in a highly disgraceful manner? It's positively indecent. Edward not cold in his grave, and Provence