Page:Tales of a Voyager to the Arctic Ocean, vol. 3 (1826).djvu/312

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tle. Many ages ago, and long before the invention of fire-arms, there were at the head of this band two young men, who were particularly successful in their attempts against the wolves. They were both strong, fearless, and well skilled in the use of their weapons, and they were considered as chiefs of the troop, because each had destroyed more wild beasts with his own hands than any other two belonging to it, although, between themselves, the number was equal; for if Hendrick, (so one was called,) at any time had the advantage, Wolfgang, the other, never desisted from the chase till he had brought home the head of a wolf, to reduce their conquests to the same level. This rivalry was, however, not the occasion of any enmity between these young men; for, as they had been brought up from children together, they were accustomed to strive for the same prizes, and engage in the same undertakings, so that they were always most pleased when both succeeded in the same degree. Indeed, it is said, that when one had the superiority, he always relaxed his exertions, till the other came up with him, and that they retained this habit in the chace; for Wolfgang has been known, after he had killed one beast, to miss the next purposely,