Page:Tales of my landlord (Volume 1).djvu/139

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man crept out of his little hut, his two shegoats came to meet him, and licked his hands in gratitude for the vegetables with which he supplied them from his garden. "You, at least," he said—"you, at least, see no differences in form which can alter your feelings to a benefactor—to you, the finest shape that ever statuary moulded would be an object of indifference or of alarm, should it present itself instead of the mutilated trunk to whose services you are accustomed. While I was in the world, did I ever meet with such a return of gratitude?—No—the domestic whom I had bred from infancy made mouths at me as he stood behind my chair; the friend whom I had supported with my fortune, and for whose sake I had even stained———(he stopped with a strong convulsive shudder) even he thought me more fit for the society of lunatics—for their disgraceful restraint—for their cruel privations, than for communication with the rest of humanity.—Hubert alone—and Hubert too will