Page:Tales of my landlord (Volume 1).djvu/209

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the Evil One! There was never luck in their gifts, nor grace in their paths. And the hale country kens that body Elshie's an unco man. O, if there was the law, and the douce quiet administration of justice, that makes a kingdom flourish in righteousness, the like o' them suldna be suffered to live! The wizard and the witch are the abomination and the evil thing in the land."

"Troth, mother," answered Hobbie, "ye may say what ye like, but I am in the mind that witches and warlocks havena half the power they had lang syne; at least, sure am I, that ae ill-deviser, like auld Ellieslaw, or ae ill-doer, like that d—d villain, Westburnflat, is a greater plague and abomination in a country-side than a hale curnie o' the warst witches that ever capered on a broomstick, or played cantrips on Fastren's E'en. It wad hae been lang or Elshie had burnt down my house and barns, and I am determined