Page:Tales of my landlord (Volume 1).djvu/280

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—you have trifled with me concerning our proposed alliance, which you well knew was the gage of our political undertaking. This carrying off and this bringing back of Miss Vere,—the cold reception I have met with from her, and the excuses with which you cover it, I believe to be mere evasions, that you may yourself retain possession of the estates which are her's by right, and make me, in the meanwhile, a tool in your desperate enterprize, by holding out hopes and expectations which you are resolved never to realize."

"Sir Frederick, I protest by all that is sacred"——

"I will listen to no protestations; I have been cheated with them too long," answered Sir Frederick.

"If you leave us," said Ellieslaw, "you cannot but know both your ruin and ours is certain; all depends on our adhering together."

"Leave me to take care of myself," re-