Page:Tales of my landlord (Volume 1).djvu/69

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being, with a scornful laugh that sounded like a shriek, "where got ye that catch—word that noose for woodcocks—that common disguise for man-traps—that bait which the wretched idiot who swallows, will soon find covers a hook with barbs ten times sharper than those you lay for the animals which you murder for your luxury!"

"I tell you, my friend," again replied Earnscliff, "you are incapable to judge of your own situation—you will perish in this wilderness, and we must, in compassion, force you along with us."

"I'll hae neither hand nor foot in't," said Hobbie; "let the ghaist take his ain way, for God's sake."

My blood be on my own head, if I perish here," said the figure; and, observing Earnscliff meditating to lay hold on him, he added, "and your blood be upon yours, if you touch but the skirt of my garments to infect me with the taint of mortality!"

The moon shone more brightly as he