Page:Tales of my landlord (Volume 1).djvu/72

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man, "then, grace o' God, I'se be wi' ye. But here we are nearer to Heugh-foot than to your house by twa miles,—hadna ye better e'en gae hame wi' me, and we'll send the callant on the poney to tell them that you are wi' us, though I believe there's naebody at hame to wait for you but the servants and the cat."

"And as I would not willingly have either the servants be anxious, or puss forfeit her supper, in my absence, I'll be obliged to you to send the boy as you propose."

"Aweel, that is kind, I must say. And you'll gae hame to Heugh-foot? They'll be right blithe to see you, that will they."

This affair settled, they walked briskly on a little farther, when, coming to the ridge of a pretty steep hill, Hobbie Elliot exclaimed, "Now, Earnscliff, I am aye glad when I come to this very bit—Ye see the light below, that's in the ha' window, where grannie, the gash auld carline, is sitting birling at her wheel—and ye see yon other light that's gaun whidding back