Page:Tales of my landlord (Volume 2).djvu/181

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was one, and, if not, the door of the house itself, was always shut and locked, and only guests of importance, or persons upon urgent business, sought or received admittance at that time. The family of Milnwood were therefore surprised, and, in the unsettled state of the times, something alarmed, at the earnest and repeated knocking with which the gate was now assailed. Mrs Wilson ran in person to the door, and, having reconnoitred those who were so clamorous for admittance, through some secret aperture with which most Scottish door-ways were furnished for the express purpose, she returned wringing her hands in great dismay, exclaiming, "The red-coats! the red-coats!"

"Robin—Ploughman—What ca' they ye—Barnsman—Nevoy Harry—open the door, open the door," exclaimed old Milnwood, snatching up and slipping into his pocket the two or three silver spoons with which the upper end of the table was gar-