Page:Tales of my landlord (Volume 4).djvu/149

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"They are all ready for you," said the General. "Lord Evandale has anticipated all you wish. Here is a packet from him with letters of recommendation for the court of the Stadtholder Prince of Orange, to which I have added one or two. I made my first campaigns under him, and first saw fire at the battle of Seneff. There are also bills of exchange for your immediate wants, and more will be sent when you require it."

Morton heard all this, and received the parcel with an astounded and confused look, so sudden was the execution of the sentence of banishment.

"And my servant?" he said.

"He shall be cared for, and replaced, if it be practicable, in the service of Lady Margaret Bellenden; I think he will hardly neglect the parade, or go a whigging a second time.—But here we are upon the quay, and the boat waits you."

It was even as Claverhouse said: A