Page:Tales of my landlord (Volume 4).djvu/74

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From the first hill which they gained in their flight, they looked back, and beheld the whole country covered with their fugitive companions, and with the pursuing dragoons, whose wild shouts and halloo, as they did execution on the groups whom they overtook, mingled with the groans and screams of their victims, rose shrilly up the hill.

"It is impossible they can ever make head again," said Morton.

"The head's ta'en aff them as clean as I wad bite it aff a sybo," rejoined Cuddie. "Eh, lord see how the broad-swords are flashing! war's a fearsome thing. They'll be cunning that catches me at this wark again—but, for God's sake, sir, let us mak for some strength.".

Morton saw the necessity of following the advice of his trusty squire. They resumed a rapid pace, and continued it with out intermission, directing their course towards the wild and mountainous country,