Page:Tamie Lamie's cure for a drunken wife.pdf/4

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[ 4 ]

Now all ye men baith far and near,
that have a drunken toutie O,
Duck ye your wives in time o' year,
and I'll lend you the ſackie O.

The wife did live for nineteen years,
and was fu' frank and couthie O,
And ever ſince ſhe got the duck,
ſhe never had a drouthie O.

At laſt the carline chanc'd to die,
and Tamie did her bury O,
And for the public benefit,
he has gar'd print the curie O.

And this he did her motto make,
"Here lies an honeſt luckie O,"
"Who never left the drinking trade,
"until ſhe got duckie O.”


To its own Proper Tune.

THE ploughman he's a bonny lad,
and all his work's at leiſure,
And when that he comes home at e'en,
he kiſſes me with pleaſure.
Up wi't a' my ploughman lad,
up wi't a' my ploughman,
Of a' the lads that I do know,

commend me to the ploughman.