Page:Tamie Lamie's cure for a drunken wife.pdf/8

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O what needs a' this pride laſſie,
O what needs a' this pride,
To wear your beſt clothes ev'ry day,
and what when you're a bride.

Some think their maiden-head will ſpoil,
before young men come near man,
It's pain to keep, it's like a boil,
'tis duty them to clear man.
O hute awa' wi' pride laſſie,
O hute awa' wi' pride,
It's that, that makes young men go by,
they'll no mak you their bride.

So all young men that want a wife,
take warning by their look man,
Love not a laſs that caſts her head,
about'like a game cock man.
O well I know I their eye laſſie,
O well know I their eye,
They'll vex a man and chap his pan,
his head they'll hornifie

So beware when Maggy Idle comes,
a fooling to the fair man,
If you incline ſhe will reſign,
the whole uſe of her ware man.
And ſhe draw you on laddie,
and ſhe draw you on,
She'll burn you wi' her merry bit,
and then you'll ſigh and moan.

F I N I S.