Page:Tanglewood tales (Dulac).djvu/241

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Jason's eyes, he could see nothing else but them. The old woman had a pomegranate in her hand, although the fruit was then quite out of season.

'Whither are you going, Jason?' she now asked.

She seemed to know his name, you will observe; and, indeed, those great brown eyes looked as if they had a knowledge of everything, whether past or to come. While Jason was gazing at her, a peacock strutted forward and took his stand at the old woman's side.

'I am going to Iolchos,' answered the young man, 'to bid the wicked King Pelias come down from my father's throne, and let me reign in his stead.'

'Ah, well, then,' said the old woman, still with the same cracked voice, 'if that is all your business, you need not be in a very great hurry. Just take me on your back, there's a good youth, and carry me across the river. I and my peacock have something to do on the other side, as well as yourself

'Good mother,' replied Jason, 'your business can hardly be so important as the pulling down a king from his throne. Besides, as you may see for yourself, the river is very boisterous; and if I should chance to stumble, it would sweep both of us away more easily than it has carried off yonder uprooted tree. I would gladly help you if I could; but I doubt whether I am strong enough to carry you across.'

'Then,' said she, very scornfully, 'neither are you strong enough to pull King Pelias off his throne. And, Jason, unless you will help an old woman at her need, you