Page:Tasman A Forgotten Navigator.djvu/2

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The Royal Geographical Society of Australasia


THIS Society has been established in Brisbane for the last twenty years. The Society was instituted with the view of promoting the interests of Geographical science, of encouraging exploration in Australasia, and of furthering the study of Physical and Commercial Geography.

While these objects cannot fail to commend themselves to the scientific and commercial classes of the community, and to many persons engaged in extending pastoral and mining enterprise into distant parts of the Continent, of which comparatively little is known, the great educational advantages to be derived from the establishment of this Society will be no less apparent to all intelligent colonists.

Any lady or gentleman may become an Ordinary Member, subject to election.

Subscription, £1 1s. per annum, due on the 1st July in each year.

Life Membership, £10 10s.

The usual Entrance Fee will not be charged during the session 1905-1906.

Members' Privileges.

To receive the Society’s Diploma.

The right to be present at, and to introduce two friends to, all meetings of the Society.

The privileges of admission to the meetings of the Royal Geographical Society, London, and of the use, for the purpose of reference, of the Map Room and Library.

To be allowed to purchase copies of all the publications of the Royal Geographical Society, London, on special terms.

Membership of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society when in North Britain without payment of additional fee, and the privilege of purchasing The Scottish Geographical Magazine on special terms.

Entree to the Evening Meetings, Library, &c., of the Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide Centres of the Society.

To have access to the Library and other public rooms of the Society.

To receive a copy of the Society’s official publications.

Diplomas of Fellowship.

Section IV, Clause 3, Constitution and Rules :

The Council may confer the Diploma of Fellowship upon such eminent persons as have rendered valuable services to geographical science; on persons of distinguished scientific attainments; on those who have promoted the objects of the Society; and on Honorary and Honorary Corresponding Members of the Society, without the payment of diploma fees. On Ordinary Members, on payment of a nominal diploma fee, subject to the following conditions, namely:— (a) Upon written application: Those who have compounded for life membership and are deemed worthy of the distinction by the Council, (b) Upon written application: Those who are not in arrears with their annual subscriptions, and are, upon the recommendation of the Council, approved by the Society at an ordinary monthly meeting. Of the honorary class the number of Fellows shall not exceed ten. Each Diploma, after being approved by the Council, shall be signed by the President and by the Hon. Secretary of the Society. Members who receive the diplomas shall have the privilege of designating themselves “Fellows” of the Society, and may use the initials F.R.G.S.A.Q. after their names as long as they continue to be members of the Society.

Ladies or gentlemen who wish to become Members of this Society may do so by handing in or posting their names to the Hon. Secretary, at the Rooms, Brisbane, or to any Member of the Society who will arrange for their nomination.