Page:Tasman A Forgotten Navigator.djvu/22

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$Stagra|iliinil Sodeto of Australasia,


Conditions of Competition for The Thomson Foundation Gold Medal.

The Thomson Foundation Gold Medal of this Society will bo awarded to the Author of the Best Original Paper (provided it be of sufficient merit) on each of the following subjects : —

To be sent in not later than 1st July, 1906.

1. — The Agricultural Industry of Australia.

The competition is open to Members and Non-members of the Society alike, whether residing in Australasia or elsewhere, but not to any Officer of the Society or Member of the Council for the time being. No award of the Medal will be made for a mere compilation, no matter how meritorious.

All competitive communications for the Medal should be written on one side of the paper only, with marginal space on the left hand side thereof, and limited to, say, about 32 pages of the “Queensland Geo- graphical Journal,” Royal 8vo. Instead of the writer’s name each paper must be identified by a motto. A sealed envelope with such motto written outside, and the writer's name and address inside, should ac- company each paper.

The successful papers will be printed and published in the Journal of the Society, fifty reprint copies of each being supplied to the author, free.

All communications, with illustrations for which the Medal may be. awarded, must be written in the English language, and will become the property of the Society absolutely.

Papers may be illustrated by such maps, diagrams and pictures as are considered by the authors thereof to be necessary and useful.

Additional subjects for future papers will be announced from time to time.

All communications should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary of the Society, Brisbane

Hugh M. Nelson, President J. P. Thomson, lion . Secretary .