Page:Tayler's ready doctor, or, Cures suitable for most distempers incident to the human body.pdf/19

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For Spitting



For Defludions in the BrtaftqpAKE a handful of Leeks, as much Sow Thiftle, J- and as much Hyfop ; boil them a little: ta.ce a Glafs full of faid Cordial thrice a-day, for 7 days : or chew Helena Herba pretty conflant for laid time,. Otherwife, ufe a Pipe of Tobacco now and then. P rob alum EJt. For Wounds in the Bread Inwardly. IF Ulcers are dreaded in the Breaft, eat a good A quantity of Strawberries ; or take about a Ounces of Rol'a Maria Vel Anthos, with a handful or SeliUium Motus, boil them in Sweet Milk, about an Engliin Ouait • then divide it into five parts, to be taken m five days : Otherwife, eat a few Tamarinds once a-day for 3 days ; then ufe Tanacaeti Juice, about a fpoonful at once every hour of the day, which - ■ 12 hours, for two days. N. B. If you would think this too troublefome for every hour, you may take 4 fpoonfulls at once, 4 in the morning, 4 at mid-day, and 4 at night, or about bed-time, without reftraint of diet, or any alterations.
