Page:Tayler's ready doctor, or, Cures suitable for most distempers incident to the human body.pdf/50

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For the Itch.

A Mercurial Belt used around the Body: That is to say, For one Person, take 1-2 oz. of Quick Silver, and 1 oz. of Hog's Lard, otherwise called White. Ointment, stir these well together, and put said Compound into a long Linen Rag, then put another Linen or Flanel Roond around it; few it up, and put it round the Body above the Navel : it will soon diminish the Itch, but the remains will stay in the Blood ; to prevent this, as soon as you get about. the Belt, draw about 5 ozs. of Blood from any Arm any Vein ; then take, same day, about 1 oz. of the Cream of Tartar; and on the morrow 2 07.5. of Salts; if the person be under Twelve years of age, 1 oz. is very sufficient. After this operation, you may depend upon being throughly clean and cured. Some people takes this to be the best Cure, [I mean. a Belt,] as it is cleanly, and little trouble; they never imagine that any other thing is needful, because it cleans the skin; but if you do not apply what I have mentioned, much better to you had never seen a Belt of the kind. There is another Cure or two which I shall here mention, make a Compound of Salt Butter, and Brimstone, and so apply outwardly : or the juice of the Smeardock Roots and Vinegar : meantime, use the fame purgatives before-mentioned: otherwise, Molienewx's Smelling Medicine, to be had at One Shilling per Box, by holding this to the Nose, and sinelling at it each Morning before Breakfast, and a Night before bed-time, for 7 days, cures the Itch miraculously.

Probatum Eft.