Page:Tayler's ready doctor, or, Cures suitable for most distempers incident to the human body.pdf/95

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Concerning Mineral WELLS.

CHRISTIAN Patients, having now given you a full detail of the many Diseases that Men and Women are subjected unto, with very applicable Cures: I now proceed to show you the uses and virtues of the most known Mineral Wells in Great Britain and Ireland. And, although some fantastic fools may be apt to say, I am now flying, with gilded wings, to Geographical History, I doubt rot but you would have found fault with me, had I neglected such valuable observations,

In Primo, I fall begin with the many and various kinds of Wells in Scotland. In speaking thereupon, I shall mention Thirteen. The first thereof, is Grews-Well, near the Burgh of Dunkeld. This Well of Water proceeds from Lead, Iron, Silver and Gold; and was, in our fore- fathers days, frequented by people of all ranks, by the forgeries and lies of the Popith Clergy, who applied it to more uses, and made it answer more seemed holy ends then it really did. Although this Well be the best in Scotland, and deserves a place (illegible text), yet we must not believe Popish fables, or else this well would be of as much service as the LORD of glory, the Sun of Right cusness which taketh away the sins of the world ! I or, they pretend that if a young Man or Woman, who committed the foul act of Fornication, &c. went to that Well, and were wafled there