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To the tune of, king William and his Forresters

You pretty young maids that has mourn’d many years
Come chear up your hearts and dry up your tears
Let not your grief and sorrows take birth;
For here I have bought you a garland of mirth.

A Garland of pleasure a garland of love,
How a young man did happen to prove
Successful in all his adventures of late;
When he in pursuit of his beautiful Kate.

He met with some difficult points by the way,
But nevertheless has he gained the day;
It crown’d him with honour and happiness too,
It made him amend for the storms he went thro’

Richard of Reading a taylor by trade;
Who courted a fair and a young beautiful maid;
Whose parents were wealthy and therefore behold
He gained her love with abundance of gold.

the taylor came often to measure her waist
At length with soft kisses her love he imbrac’d
He told her a thousand fine stories likewise,
But she at the first did his calling despise.

You are a bold impudent fellow quoth Kate,
How dare you presume to talk at this rate?
Be gone from my presence I tell you in brief,
I never intend to marry a thief.

I am no such person the Taylor reply’d,

Therefore in these terms I'll not be deny'd