Page:Taylor - In the Dwellings of the Wilderness.djvu/133

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The One Who Went Away

"The woman! That empty superstition again!" Deane groaned.

"I say, 'Saar, for Lord-God sake don't not go. Come queek and lie in bed.' And he say, 'Oh, I'm not goin' after her, you old fool. Jus' goin' down in tombs a leetle.' Nen he laugh and say, 'Nere is more affair in Heaven-Earth eraisho nan in er perluserpy'—I don't know what else. Some kind dam' bad Englis' nat, eh? So he go, and byumby I go to hole and look down for to see um. But I see um comin' to me, on ne ground, saar, all white in she face, wiv um eyes green lak fire, sleepin' round mound-earths lak um cat at night, sayin' so sof': 'I won't not go—I won't not go.' Nen he go, and I run queek to ne mens and fall down, and go to slip to keep um spucks away."