Page:Taylor - In the Dwellings of the Wilderness.djvu/160

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The Other Who Returned

was afraid to stir lest I get turned around. Oh, those nights! My God! those nights!" His voice dropped to a whisper. In a moment it went quietly on, restrained, devoid of all expression.

"Occasionally I had half-delirious dreams, which I could not distinctly remember afterwards. Usually I was in a garden, where the perfume of the jasmine and the honeysuckle was enough to drag the very heart out of you, and where a woman was with me, whose face I couldn't see. And I dreamt about the Princess a good deal—probably because I had had her on my mind—seeing her always as she must have been once, and never as the—the thing we found. In one dream, which I can remember, and which I'll never be able to forget, I saw