Page:Taylor - In the Dwellings of the Wilderness.djvu/175

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At the Eleventh Hour

understand—but I believe … I believe it!"

His voice dropped to a hoarse whisper. Merritt stood up and shook him gently.

"Look here, old man, this won't do. Get yourself together. It won't last much longer; in ten days at most we'll be off."

"Ten days," Deane repeated. "Ten days … I guess I can stand that, can't I?"

"If you think you'd like to start ahead of me," Merritt said, "take what stores and men you want, and start on first. I think that would~be the best plan, anyhow. Your eyes need treatment; it may be a serious thing if they don't get it soon. I won't be long behind you——"

But Deane interrupted with sudden fierceness, a burst of uncalled-for anger,