Page:Taylor - In the Dwellings of the Wilderness.djvu/188

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At the Eleventh Hour

for it. It came, and I felt its arms around my neck, and I knew that the dream I had in the desert was no dream. And when I tried to get away, it clung, clung like a leech, with feet and hands and teeth—Merritt! Oh, my God, Merritt, where are you!" It was the voice of a child, wakened suddenly, in mortal terror to find itself in the dark.

Merritt, with instant comprehension, said quickly:

"Here, old chap! It's all right I'm here. I won't go off."

Deane's hand groped for his, and clutched it with a grip which made Merritt wince. His voice took up its tale.

"I fought it off, and it twined its legs and arms around mine and I couldn't shake it off. I tried to beat its head on the stones, and it fastened its teeth in my