Page:Teleny, or The Reverse of the Medal, t. I.djvu/85

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mistress, a pretty grisette, or a fashionable cocotte, for the term horizontale had not yet come into fashion. Another hinted that I was tied to my mammy's apron-strings, that my dad had not allowed me to take the latch-key. A third said that I wanted to go and 'menarmi la rilla' as Aretino crudely expresses it.

"Seeing that it was impossible to escape, I consented with a good grace to accompany them.

"A certain Biou, young in years, but old in craft, who—like an elderly tom-cat—had, at sixteen, already lost an eye in a battle of love, (having got some syphilitic virus into it), proposed to shew us life in the unknown parts of the real Quartier Latin.

"'First,' said he, 'I'll take you to a place where we'll spend little and have some jolly fun; it'll just put us 'en train' and from there we'll go to another house, to fire off our pistols, or I should rather say our revolvers, for mine is a seven shot barrel.'

"His single eye twinkled with delight, and his trousers were stirred from within as he said this. We all agreed to his proposal, I especially