Page:Teleny, or The Reverse of the Medal, t. I.djvu/96

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in the house; and then I said to myself,—having got one what will she do with it?

"I was not left to wonder long, for the cantinière did to her friend what she had done to her. Thereupon two other whores came and knelt down before the backsides that were thus held open for them, put their tongues in the little black holes of the anuses, and began to lick them, to the pleasure of the active and passive prostitutes, and to that of all the lookers-on.

"Moreover, the kneeling women, thrusting their forefingers between the legs of the standing strumpets and on the lower extremity of the lips, began to rub vigorously.

"The consumptive girl thus masturbated, kissed, rubbed, and licked, began to writhe furiously, to pant, to sob and to scream with joy, delight, and almost pain, until half fainting.

"'Aïe, là, là, assez, aïe, c'est fait,' followed by cries, screams, monosyllables, and utterances of keen delight and unbearable pleasure.

"'Now it is my turn,' said the cantinière, and stretching herself on the low couch, she opened her legs widely so that the two thick dark lips