Page:Telugu-English Dictionary.djvu/144

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కుంకుమము kunkumamu, s. Saffron. Crocus satiyus.

కుంగు knngu, v. n. To become less, 2. To sink. 3. To be -humbled, depressed, or decreased.

కుంచు kuntsu, v. a. Or కుంచించు kunphintsu, v. Cans. To make less, shorten, or abridge. 2. To sink. 3. To humble, abate, reduce, decrease, or diminish. 4: To draw back.

కుంచము kuntsamu, s, A measure equal to 4 manika.

కుంచినీ kunchini, s. A painting-brush, or pencil.

కుంచె kunche, s. A fly-flap, usually made of the white hair from the tail of the cow of Tartary. 2. A piece of wood, to prepare the warp without entanglement.

కుంచెకోల kunchekola, s. An iron rod, of which the end is bent, used to •unlock the doors of Hindoo temples.

కుంట kunla, s, A pond. 2. A square land measure.

కుంటు kuntu, v. n. To limp. కుంటి kunti, adj ; . Lame, crooked. కుంటు kuntu. Lameness, crookedness. కుంటిగాము kuntigamu, Saturn ; on account of the lameness, or slowness, of his motion.

కుంటెన kuntena, s. The profession of a pimp, or bawd. కుంటినకత్తె kuntenakatte, A bawd. కుంటెనకాడు kuntenakadu, A pimp.

కుంటెనకుచ్చులు kuntenakutstsulu, s. plw. A kind of ornament for the top of the ear.

కుండ kunda, s. An earthen pot, కుండగోలదాల్పు kundagoladalpu, A person who, in token of his renunciation of worldly enjoyments, assumes the staff and pot of a recluse. కుండరాసి kundarasi, The sign Aquarius.

కుండలము kundalamu, s, An ear- ring.

కుండు kundu, s. A cistern.

కుంద kunda, s. A pillar.

కుందకము kundakamu, s. Impediment, hindrance. 2. Defect, want.

కుందనము kundanamu, s. Pure gold.

కుంది kundi, s. A sort of rim placed upon a mortar, to prevent the falling of rice, &c. When beaten in it.

కుందు kundu, 5. Affliction, grief, disquietude. 2. Repentance, v. w. To be grieved to sink Under affliction. 2. To die.

కుందుఱెల్లుగడ్డి kundurrellugaddi, s. A kind of reed, of which pens are made in the east.