Page:Telugu-English Dictionary.djvu/334

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పొందిక pondika, s. vide పొంకము ponkamu, No. 1. and 2. 2. Regularity of arrangement, or construction, of words.

పొందు pondu, v. a. To obtain, procure, or acquire. % To be under the dominion of any of the passions ; to experience joy, grief, <fec. 3. To sustain, suffer, or undergo ; as applied to misfortune, lo~s, or pain; 4. To enjoy ; as applied to happiness, or good fortune. 5, To enjoy by copulations. Friendship. 2 Enjoyment by copulation. పొందించు pondintsu, v, Caus. To cause to obtain, &c. as above, in all the meanings of పొందు, బేరముపొందించు pondu, beramupondintsu, To settle a bargain ; as applied to brokers,

పొక్కలి pokkali, 5. Making in the inflex sing.

పొక్కటి pokkati, A temporary fire place, formed with loose stones,&c.

పొక్కిలి pokkili, 5. Making in the inflex. Sing. పొక్కిటి pokkiti, The navel.

పొక్కు pokku, v. n. To be sorrowful, or afflicted. 2. To blister ;to be excoriated. 3. Earth when parched to rise up, on being moistened, s. A blister, pimple, pustule, or pock. పొక్కించు pokkintsu, v. Caus. To vex, or torment. 2. To cause to blister or rise up. మాటబైలుపొక్కు matabailupokku, To reveal a matter, j

పొగ poga, s. Smoke. పొగచెట్టు pogachettu, The tobacco plant. పొగాకు pogaku, s. Tobacco, lit The smoke leaf. పొగతాగు pogatagu, lit To drink smoke. To smoke a pipe, &c. ; To inhale smoke. పొగయు pogayu, v. n. To smoke, or emit smoke ; as applied to fire, &c In a burning state. పొగచూరు pogatsuru, To become black, from exposure to smoke.

పొగడు, పొగుడు pogaclu, pogudu, v. a. To praise, applaud, or commend. 2. To flatter. పొగడిక-పొగడికోలు-పొగడ్త, పొగడు pogadika-pogadikolu-pogadta, pogadu, s. Praise, commendation, applause, encomium. 2. Flattery.

పొగరు, పొగురు pogaru, poguru, s. Pride, arrogance, presumption. 2, The surf of the sea. పొగురుబోతు pogurubotu, s. A very proud, or haughty, person.

పొగలు, పొగులు pogalu, pogulu, v, n. To be very sorrowful, or afflicted.

పొగుపు pogupu, s. The seasoning of food.

పొచ్చెము pochchemu, s. Sin. 2. Impurity.