Page:Telugu-English Dictionary.djvu/45

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అవగాహము avaganamu, s. Immersion, bathing. 2. A trough near a well, for watering cattle,

అవగాహమవు avagahamavu, v. w. To be understood, or become the object of understanding. ఈసంగతి నాకు లెస్సగా అవగాహమయినది isangati naku lessaga avagaha mainadi, This subject is fully understood by me, or I fully comprehend this snbject. అవగాహముచేసుకొను avagahamuchesukonu, v. a. To understand ; to comprehend.

అవగుణము avaguriamu, s. A pernicious quality ; a bad disposition • a defect ; a vice.

అవఘళించు avaghalintsu, v. a. To ^^er-look ; to neglect; to dis- regard.

అవతరించు avatarintsu, v. ?l To be incarnated ; to descend.

అవతారము avataramn. s. An incarnation of the deity, especially of Vishnu, of which the Hindoos reokonten; viz. The fish, tortoise, boar,manlion, dwarf, Parasurama, Sri Kama, Krishna, Buddha, and one yet to come termed Kalkee. 2. A birth. 3. A metamorphosis. 4. The bank of a tank, pond, sea <fcc, 5. The act of descending. అవతారమెత్తు aVataramettn, To be incarnated. మనుష్యావతారము manushyava- taramu, Incarnation as man. This term is applied by the Native Christians, to the incarnation of the Son of God.

అవతల avatala, adv. After, after-wards, hereafter. 2. Next to, fur- ther, beyond, onward, to a distance. This word is applied either to time or place.

అవదూరు avaduru, s. Calumny ; defamation; false accusation,

అవధరించు avadharintsu, v. a. To condescend, to hear, or listen. అవధారు avadharu, The 2d. person sing, of the imperative of this verb, irregularly formed ; is used in books only to call attention. Listen !

అవధి avadhi, s. A border, limit, or boundary,

అవని avani, s. The earth.

అవమర్యాద avamaryada, s. Incivility ) disrespect.

అవమానము avamanamu, s. Dishonour; disgrace ; indignity ; insult ; affront.

అవమానముచేయు, అవమానించు avamamucheyu, avamanintsu, v. a. To despise; to disregard, to dishonour, to disgrace, to insult. అవమానపడు, అవమానముపొందు avamanapacln, avamanamupondu, To be disgacedi dishonoured, or insulted. 5