Page:Tempest (1918) Yale.djvu/111

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The Tempest

show: 72 (V. i. 63)

shroud: 39 (II. ii. 43)

siege: 41 (II. ii. 114)

signiories: 7 (I. ii. 71)

single: 21 (I. ii. 429)

skilless: 47 (III. i. 53)

sociable: 72 (V. i. 63)

something: 47 (III. i. 58)

sort: 28 (II. i. 109); 65 (IV. i. 146)

sot: 52 (III. ii. 104)

speaks: 32 (II. i. 215)

stale: 67 (IV. i. 187)

standard: 49 (III. ii. 19)

standing: 33 (II. i. 229)

state: 7 (I. ii. 76)

steaded: 10 (I. ii. 165)

still-vex'd: 13 (I. ii. 229)

stock-fish: 51 (III. ii. 81)

stomach: 10 (I. ii. 157); 28 (II. i. 114)

stover: 62 (IV. i. 63)

strange: 58 (III. iii. 87)

strangely: 60 (IV. i. 7)

substitution: 8 (I. ii. 103)

subtleties: 75 (V. i. 124)

succession: 30 (II. i. 158)

sudden: 36 (II. i. 314)

suggestion: 36 (II. i. 296)

sustaining: 12 (I. ii. 218)

tabor: 53 (III. ii. 135 S. d.)

task: 11 (I. ii. 192)

teen: 6 (I. ii. 64)

tell: 25 (II. i. 15)

temperance: 26 (II. i. 43)

tender: 35 (II. i. 278)

throes: 33 (II. i. 239)

throughly: 55 (III. iii. 14)

thus far forth: 11 (I. ii. 177)

tilth: 30 (II. i. 159)

to: 57 (III. iii. 54)

trash: 7 (I. ii. 81)

trebles . . . o'er: 33 (II. i. 229)

trenchering: 44 (II. ii. 196)

trifle: 74 (V. i. 112)

try: 2 (I. i. 40)

twilled: 62 (IV. i. 64)

twink: 61 (IV. i. 43)

undergoing: 10 (I. ii. 157)

urchins: 17 (I. ii. 326)

use: 30 (II. i. 158)

vanity: 61 (IV. i. 41)

vast: 17 (I. ii. 327)

verily: 37 (II. i. 329)

visitation: 46 (III. i. 32)

visitor: 25 (II. i. 11)

vouch'd: 27 (II. i. 64)

waist: 12 (I. ii. 197)

want: 83 (Epil. 13)

ward: 23 (I. ii. 468)

warrant: 3 (I. i. 51)

weigh'd: 29 (II. i. 137)

wezand: 52 (III. ii. 102)

whe'r: 74 (V. i. 111)

while-ere: 53 (III. ii. 130)

whist: 19 (I. ii. 378)

wicked: 17 (I. ii. 321)

wide-chapp'd: 3 (I. i. 62)

windring: 64 (IV. i. 128)

wink'st: 33 (II. i. 224)

with: 66 (IV. i. 164)

withal: 48 (III. i. 93)

without: 81 (V. i. 271)

wonder'd: 64 (IV. i. 123)

works: 65 (IV. i. 144)

wrong, done yourself: 22 (I. ii. 440)

yare: 79 (V. i. 224)

yarely: 1 (I. i. 4)

zenith: 11 (I. ii. 181)